Mergers & Acquisitions

LCA offers corporate transition (M&A) for which we provide business owners with tangible transaction solutions and support.


We can provide assistance in the merger or acquisition process by assessing critical elements such as tax considerations, intergenerational planning possibilities, product/service compatibility, competitive tactics and position, financial impact and cash flow considerations.

Our firm advises prospective business purchasers about local market conditions and industry trends. We also provide due diligence reports on acquisition candidates.

Our services include the following:

  • Identification and screening of potential targets
  • Assessment of financial needs and requirements
  • Assistance in negotiations
  • Transaction execution (due diligence, accounting & tax structuring)
  • Strategic transaction value optimization
  • Facilitating the transfer of a business to the next generation



Due diligence is the process of verifying the information and facts surrounding a business transaction. The process generally refers to a customized audit performed by a prospective purchaser or his representatives during the merger or acquisition of a business.

LCA’s professionals have a wealth of experience in representing clients in all aspects surrounding the due diligence audit during the merger or acquisition process, including: financial, legal, taxation, IT systems and human resources.


We offer objective transaction advice and work in close collaboration with each client to develop a clear understanding of his objectives and expectations. Our team of professionals provides sound advice on the planning, valuation and the overall feasibility of the project. We strive to deliver advice for obtaining the highest price and contract payout terms for the sale of your business.


5000 rue Jean-Talon O, #240,
Montréal, Québec,
H4P 1W9